Who needs ISO 45001?
Looking to update your existing qualification or wanting to start a career in the safety field? Our...
1 minute read

07 April, 2019
Looking to update your existing qualification or wanting to start a career in the safety field? Our...
What is ISO 45001:2018 you ask? Our Director, Jackie provides a brief overview on what ISO 45001...
Is HACCP essential for every food business?
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The best piece of advice I ever received was ‘work to make yourself redundant’. Most people have...
Don’t forget the scope and criteria when auditing.
When conducting an...
An ATOL Podcast Featuring Jackie Stapleton in conjunction with Holtman Professional Services
With the addition of Context of the Organization has the customer been overlooked?
In the case of an external audit (independent 3rd party) or a government audit, compliance is...