What is ISO 45001:2018 you ask? Our Director, Jackie provides a brief overview on what ISO 45001 really is.
So, why would you implement an OH&S management system? It’s a great question because obviously there is legislation that is mandatory to be complied with in most countries if not all. So, why can’t you just follow the legislation?
Well, you could, but depending on which country you live in some legislation actually refers to implementing an OH&S management system to support you in complying with legislative requirements. Now, just implementing an OH&S management system and even certifying that system does not mean that you are automatically complying with legislation. Not at all!
Implementing an OH&S management system it gives you the best framework to develop a system that identifies hazards proactively, assesses the risk and opportunities, and puts in place controls to minimize the occurrence of any incidents. And of course, this also includes the identification of legal requirements relevant to your activities, applying them, and of course evaluating to see how you’re going in meeting the requirements.
You can see that having an OH&S management system it provides a great framework to build a practical, working system based on continually improved performance.
Now, if you’re interested in providing a safe and healthy workplace, preventing work-related injury and ill health ISO 45001 is what you need. And honestly, I don’t know any businesses that should be saying NO to that statement!
So, I’ll rephrase that - Now, I’m sure that you are now interested in the prospect of implementing ISO 45001 and what it can do for your business. If I haven’t, tell me what I can do to help. Honestly, that’s what I’m here for. Comment below and let me know.
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