Now we’re at the stage of implementing "stuff”. Let's see how we can meet Clause 8 requirements in your ISO 45001 management system.
In this article, Auditor Training Online's director and triple-certified real-world auditor, Jackie Stapleton sits down and explains the importance of Clause 8 in an ISO 45001:2018 Management Systems.
No more guessing or confusion!
Clause 8 refers to Operation, so when I see this, it helps me to understand that “Right – now we’re at the stage of implementing stuff”. We’ve done all the planning, set some objectives, understand what resources we need, now let’s do it!
There are 2 sub-clauses in Clause 8 for ISO 45001. These are:
> Clause 8.1 Operational planning and control, which does have quite a few other sub-clauses sitting underneath it, and
> Clause 8.2 Emergency preparedness and response
Clause 8.1, as it states is all about planning and control at an operational level. The sub-clauses that sit underneath this are broken down into:
> Clause 8.1.1 General – which is all about implementing the processes needed to meet the requirements of the OH&S management system and importantly to implement the actions you determined in clauses 6.1 and 6.2 – so this is all about making it happen
> Then there is clause 8.1.2 Elimination hazards and reducing OH&S risks which is introducing the hierarchy of controls, including elimination, substitution, engineering, administration, and PPE.
> Clause 8.1.3 Management of change wants you to establish a process to manage any changes that may impact the OH&S management system – both temporary and permanent changes.
> Clause 8.1.4 Procurement is split up into General, Contractors, and Outsourcing. These tiny clauses provide the requirements on establishing, implementing, and maintaining processes to control procurement which does include contractors and outsourcing of activities. So, it’s not just about workers that are employed by you directly, it is about contractors and sub-contractors as well.
Then the next and final clause in ISO 45001 clause 8 Operation is clause 8.2 Emergency preparedness and response. This clause is, as it says, all about preparing and responding to emergencies. So, when there has been an OH&S emergency or incident, what processes are in place to manage the response as well as a requirement to periodically test the planned responses. So, you don’t sit around waiting for something to happen to test the response procedures, you have to proactively schedule testing to make sure that what you think will work, will actually work if an incident does occur.
I do hope that this gives you a high-level idea of what clause 8’s intent in ISO 45001 is without too many nitty-gritty details.
Now that I’ve explained all of these requirements, can you see more clearly how you could action and demonstrate these requirements in your ISO 45001 management system?