In this video I’m going to cover probably the smallest clause there is in ISO 45001 - clause 4.4 OH&S management system. I’m going to break this tiny clause down and turn it into something you can all understand. You’ll then be able to apply this to your own organization's system and understand what the requirements will look like for you. No more guessing!
Clause 4.4 is called the OH&S management system and it simply states … The organization shall establish, implement, maintain and continually improve an OH&S management system, including the processes needed and their interactions, in accordance with the requirements of this document.
The requirement here is that you or the business establishes the OH&S management system and all of the associated processes, which could be documented or not, that are needed to meet the requirements of this standard and that it is up to the organization – you/the business to determine what these processes are and how they are applied within the business. That’s why I always say with this clause – if you are meeting all of the other clause requirements in the standard then you should be meeting this one.
There is one word in here that does stand out and is important to understand – that word is ‘interactions’. This clause mentions ‘the processes needed and their interactions'.
When I see that word I instantly think of the process approach, which I know is more of an approach referred to in ISO 9001 Quality, but when it comes to systems the process approach is universal.
Understanding this Process Approach further, particularly for an ISO 45001 system integrating the OH&S system into the standard business processes is a MUST.
When you develop the required processes for your OH&S system they are not something that sits in the corner and is separated from the rest of the business and its processes or people. The OH&S system is to be integrated with the business processes and become the standard way OH&S is completed.
You want your system to be so integrated into your business that your workers don’t even realize that they are doing “SAFETY STUFF”. Make it just part of their day and the way things are done – standard.
To finish off, my big tip for meeting the requirements of this clause are:
- - Make sure you develop processes as required throughout the Standard First
- - Document what firstly is a requirement to document and then decide on what else would be beneficial to document so that you have a degree of control and consistency
- - When you create these processes and documents make sure they are integrated and embedded throughout the business
See how simple this is when you break it down? If you do have questions regarding this section of clause 4.4 or you would like me to cover any other clauses please comment below and I’m only too happy to help.
Learn even more by completing a qualification in one of our ISO 45001 courses.